Melissa & Chris

We have continued to be resilient in our marriage, love, and dedication to each other during this journey.
— Melissa

What started in Jr. High grew into a life of love and commitment. Chris decided to join the Navy in 1999 to travel and ended up stationed on a submarine for his Naval Career.

melissa and chris weddings for warriors vow renewal

He was honorably discharged in 2005, resulting in 2 corneal transplants.

We had our 2 youngest boys and at that time we realized that our desire to be married was much more important than waiting to be able to have an actual wedding.

My grandmother was sick with cancer and her desire was to be able to see us get married. We were able to have our ceremony September 9, 2016. She passed December of 2016. We planned to renew our vows and have a reception for family for our 5 year.

In 2019, 2 and half years into marriage Chris showed his resilience and dedication to me by supporting me and our family through my cancer diagnosis.

We have continued to be resilient in our marriage, love and dedication to each other during this journey. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to share with our family our victory over my diagnosis and our joy and happiness as Mr. and Mrs. Hartsfield.


Megan & Madison


Nancy & Richard