Christina & Larry

We are elated to continue to sacrifice for this country and each other, as we begin the rest of our lives together.
— Christina

In 2017, history was re-written for two divine souls… and their lives would be changed forever! Larry has served as a submariner since 2012 in Guam, and I served as a surface Sailor since 2011 in Virginia.

We met during one of Chicago lands harshest winters. Larry and I dated for approximately two years when I received orders across the country (west coast). Those orders have created a 2,078 mile distance between us. The Navy has taught us how to be resilient through adversities.

We have utilized those skills within our relationship to keep our love strong, throughout this period of separation.
We will not falter!

During our year of separation we’ve flown to see each other monthly, made daily phone calls, FaceTime’s, emails, and texts which help keep us in good spirits! The Navy has a way of pushing you past your limits, demanding excellence from you no matter the circumstances. Whether we are waking up at 0430 for Physical Training (or waking up early, racing to the sink); or standing watch in the middle of the night (or soon feeding Jr. when he needs a bottle). Every time we put our uniforms on, we remember all of the freedoms we have given up to serve, protect, and make a positive impact on the lives of people across the United States and around the world.

We are elated to continue to sacrifice for this country and each other, as we begin the rest of our lives together.


Aubrey & Caleb


Darlene & David